We started as strangers, Seriously, we did... i teased the hell out of her the first time i met her....2 months after saying yes to me, a lot has changed...i was reading the messages she sent to me the past few months.... from those depressing moments to all those Uber Wacky moments, stef has changed, but still she is AWESOME as ever.... our first few weeks, there were full of "What if's?" and i miss you, and there was this one time where she got paranoid and got embarassed and told me that someday she would get her revenge[But again and again, she can't] hahaha....a few more weeks after, she said the L word, Loser and I Love you[with "Crap" after saying it hahahaha], and we had to comfort each other having fears that one would leave the other.
After a month we started teasing each other like kids and we had this thing every night that we have to say something sweet before going to bed...Sweet Words...she started with some really comforting words telling me about the small things she enjoy when she's with me, but as time went by, she changed...her words got even sweeter...and it became more expressive of what she felt or feels...from happiness to loving...i still hope that i could make her smile, feel loved and be happy all the time...because this is how she makes me feel :)
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